
How are your Vitamin D levels this winter?

During the summer months most of us get adequate vitamin D levels as we are outside swimming, biking or running.

But what happens during the colder winter months? We start to wear layers of clothing and our sun exposure is decreased. This can promote a vitamin D deficiency which can lead to one getting a ‘winter cold or flu’, mood problems or heart disease.

The US RDA has increased the vitamin D levels to 600 IU, however the Vitamin D Council recommends that healthy adults and adolescents should consume at least 5,000 IU per day.

So how do you make sure your vitamin D levels don’t dip this winter? 2 ways. First you can use a vitamin D3 supplement to maintain your levels or secondly, you can keep up your intake of wild salmon or other fatty fishes.

Ask Dr. Huston or Dr. Lindstrom if vitamin D supplementation is right for you, and check out our new Pinterest page for some great fish recipes!


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